Acclaimed teacher, Bob Proctor and
Proctor Gallagher Institute President and CEO, Sandy Gallagher. Together they present an innovative, 12-week business program.


Thinking Into Results Program

This exceptionally designed program is presented in twelve relevant. simple and practical lessons, to ensure that the success mindset
becomes a part of each individual's thinking, and actions, translating to a team operating together at a higher level of awareness under the shade of Life Coach Dubai. This results in exceptional returns on investment for your organization.


Skilled and experienced instructors --Acclaimed teacher, Bob Proctor, and Proctor Gallagher Institute President and CEO, Sandy Gallagher. Together they present an innovative, 12-week business leadership and development program with NLP training.


Thinking into results creates a culture

that promotes employee growth in a positive environment where they feel supported and like they are a major contributor to the organization. no matter what position they hold. It allows your organization to create desired results without competing against others in your industry.

Why Should You Enroll Yourself in This Course?

Our exclusive Thinking into Results business program is planned and designed to turn you into an influential professional and start your instructing business!

If you need to have a natural effect on the existence of your customers, Thinking Into Results is the most impressive, pragmatic, and inside and out business program you can learn, and you can begin at this moment!


Lessons, Business Principle & Benefits

Lesson One: Worthy Ideal

Business Principle: Goal Setting and Achieving

Benefits: Explains how to set and achieve goals that promote quantum leaps. Teaches the process of setting and achieving team goals. Employees set goals that inspire them, which helps to move them forward. Employees are motivated and see themselves as a part of something bigger.

Lesson Two: Knowing/Doing Gap

Business Principle: Return on investment

Benefits: Most training gives employee's information on how to do their job, but it seldom results in better results because their paradigm keeps them from acting on what they know. Thinking Into Results helps employees implement what they already know and changes their behavior to close the gap between what they know and what they actually do.

Lesson Three: Infinite Mind

Business Principle: Productivity and Efficiency

Benefits: Employees will turn their non-productive habits into productive habits, and become more efficient and productive in their job, which leads to an increase in the bottom line for the company, as well as a reduction in turnover and an increase in retention and performance.

Lesson Four: The Secret Genie

Business Principle: Peak performance of employees

Benefits: Teaches how the mind works. Employees take a close look at their daily habitual action to see where they can become more productive. As a result, team performance is improved through increased productivity of each individual. Employees and teams can break from past results and habitual behaviors. Productivity and efficiency increase as employees and teams work better together.

Lesson Five: Thinking Into Results

Business Principle: Innovation and proactive thinking

Benefits: Teaches people how to think and how to analyze their thinking. Helps them realize past results are a reflection of past thinking and to change what they are getting they have to change their thinking. Helps teams to develop creative, innovative solutions to problems. Employees see problems as opportunities to strengthen the team, the company, and create desired results. which can be measured in the increase of success.

Lesson Six: Environment Is But Our Looking Glass

Business Principle: Creating powerful teams

Benefits: Employees will understand that to be more productive they have to change their image of themselves. Teams become more productive as they improve their team image. Teams focus less on what the competition is doing and more on what they are capable of achieving as a team. Competition within the team is transformed to cooperation and working in harmony.

Lesson Seven: Trample The Terror Barrier

Business Principle: Overcoming barriers to success

Benefits: Creates an open environment for people to talk about fears so they can replace them with positive thoughts and get support from other team members. As employees overcome personal fears they can create effective teams, and they can help other members of the team overcome their fears so that all team members are more productive and forward thinking, and better able to think of creative solutions to problems.

Lesson Eight: The Power Of Praxis

Business Principle: Aligning actions and results with company vision

Benefits: Employees can see the connection between their beliefs and behavior. When they change from non- productive to productive actions. their results can then match the company mission and goals. Employees are responsible for helping create a vision of a perfectly functioning team that is reaching its potential. They create the results they are capable of creating together.

Lesson Nine: The Magic Word

Business Principle: The attitude and mindset of high- producing teams

Benefits: Gives a very complete definition of attitude. Other programs may talk about the importance of having a good attitude. but this lesson explains what it is and how to change it. The result is focused teams that have their thoughts. beliefs, and actions aligned so that they are more productive and efficient. They learn the way to create a positive attitude regardless of the situation.

Lesson Ten: The Most Valuable Person

Business Principle: Effective Leadership

Benefits: Helps employees develop qualities of leadership in addition to being able to also be a good follower. Emphasizes the creation of a positive environment where employees are appreciated for the work they do. Creates cooperation among team members and a positive work environment. Allows team members to emerge in leadership roles which strengthens the team overall

Lesson Eleven: Leaving Everyone With The Impression Of Increase

Business Principle: Profit through service

Benefits: Emphasizes giving with no expectation of return service to others. Promotes a high standard of performance for all levels in the company-leaders and employees are encouraged to do more and give more than expected. As a result of this lesson. teams will look for ways to make customers and other team members feel valued and appreciated.

Lesson Twelve: Magnifying The Mind

Business Principle: Team Problem Solving

Benefits: Other programs show how to make Incremental changes. This program lays out the steps for a quantum leap. leading to dramatic results in performance. Employees are shown ways to sustain success so they keep getting better and better at what they are doing. Magnifying the Mind results in employees and teams that are focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in performance you will be able to measure.