The self- Breakthrough Experience workshop will help you re-awaken your enthusiasm for living. It is your KEY to unlocking the resources that you already have inside of you
Help You Re-Awaken Your Enthusiasm For Living
This is an action-packed workshop where you will work on yourself, discovering your true passion and purpose. Get clear on your direction. Get clear on how to achieve your ultimate goals. Get clear about your life TODAY!! Give yourself a massive reset in your life, come out of your old shell and allow the empowered, true you to emerge, take help from Life Coach Dubai....

- Looking for a sense of purpose and for a more inspiring career / life?
- Wishing to change something in
- Feeling lost and need to re- discover yourself?
- Seeking to overcome stress, fear or anxiety?
- Experiencing feelings of loss, sorrow or depression?
- Wishing to move forward with your life again?
- Seeking to build self-worth and dissolve feelings of shame and guilt?
- A student or school leaver seeking career guidance?
- Wanting to dissolve negative emotions that age and stress the body?
- Seeking to improve relationships with family members, partners, children, work colleagues and self?
- A parent seeking to understand family dynamics.?
- Wanting to know how to overcome challenges and adversity? both in self, other and teams?
- Interested in understanding how the human mind works?
- Interested in discovering the mechanisms that drive your behavior?
- A business manager and/or owner wanting to inspire staff members and teams to increase productivity?
- Going through a divorce, relationship breakup or relationship challenges?
- Seeking to master the art of communication to build intimate relationships?
If you said YES, to any of the above questions, then the Self- Breakthrough Experience is a must!
How You Learn-Learning Process
We believe you came here to learn something, so it will serve you greatly to understand how your mind works and how you can retain information effectively and effortlessly. This changes your relationship and approach to learning and makes learning anything (regardless of your age) that much easier.

What is Reality And How It's Created
We are fortunate beings in this world, as we have the ability to filler The Reality through our senses and then through our conditioning. This allows for infinite different experiences of life. No two people have the same life experience. Understanding how your mind fiters The Reality empowers you as it creates the opportunity for you to make changes and create a different quality of life for yourself. This is a true wake-up for most people, as they choose to break the pattern of victimhood and take responsibility for their own results in life.

Story Of My Life
We all have a story of our life. It's a rather unique one, isn't it? In the process of growing up, we learn many things, adopt many beliefs and over time, condition ourselves to a certain quality of life. We each have a "Book of Rules' that defermines things for us automatically, from the meanings we attach to things in life to the states/feelings we experience daily. Since our feelings and the emotional states we experience daily determine the quality of our life and all our behavior, in many ways it feels like we are claiming our lives back is only when we are in our resourceful states that we ca use our intellect and tap into our true potential. The Story of my life is an integral part of our conditioning. It determines how we perceive our lives and what is possible for us. This is where our values, belief system, attitudes, memories, motivation and decisions lie. It contains huge and complex filters that determine the quality of our life today and all our results in the future

My Needs
Years of therapy can go into understanding WHY people produce certain destructive behavior. Psychologically speaking, all human beings have certain fundamental needs for their survival. When our core human needs are not being met, we die mentally, emotionally and physically. Naturally, we are internally driven and will do whatever it takes to meet our needs, for the sake of survival. Understanding our internal drivers in this context gives us the WHY behind all our behavior. All our behavior is driven to meet our needs. Once we have this deeper understanding, we can shift into meeting our needs differently, in more beneficial ways.

My Drive
We are all motivated by one specific question that drives the majority of our thoughts, states and behaviors. Eliciting this question and realizing its true impact on your life is a priceless new understanding. Once aware of it, you are able to improve or change it for a better one-life changing!

My Dominant Thinking Model
This model creates an understanding of the evolution of the human psyche. There are 8 different archetypes of dominant thinking in the world known to us today. Understanding where you fit empowers you further, allowing you to understand yourself on a much deeper level. Your dominant thinking model determines so much in your life, that you will find this a priceless new understanding

My Focus
You know that focus is crucially important. We look at what focus is specifically and how to generate and maintain it. This is a vastly misunderstood subject which we will explore in great depth so that you can master your own focus and achieve your goals.

Think More Or Do More?
Tackling the age-old dilemma of whether we should spend more time thinking or doing. Understanding this balance will transform your perception, attitudes towards life and approach to it.

My Behavior
Understand what causes you to behave in certain ways and what you can do about it. Since your behavior determines most of your results in life, this is a powerful tool in changing your outcomes.

Why/How People Fail?
Understanding the primary reasons for most people's failure and what causes it. Learn how to fail-proof yourself

My Goals
Most people have, at some point, had clarity about what they really want and even set the goals to achieve it. Learn the difference between setting goals and actually accomplishing theml

The Life Of My Dreams
Most people can tell me right away what they don't want! It's much more challenging finding out and clarifying what they really do want. During this process, you will discover what you really, really want in life

My Change
After all these priceless and insightful experiences, you will have a very good understanding of how and why you are the way you are today and where you are in life, in terms of the results that you have. You will also have a very good idea of who you want to become and what you want to create instead.
To achieve this, some changes are required and they start with you. We refer often to Einstein's definition for Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Sadly most people refuse or feel powerless to change anything and yet expect their results in life to change.
At this stage of the workshop, being truly and deeply empowered, having realized just how much power you have over your own reality and results in life, you will find it natural and exciting to have some of the most life transforming tools available to you. You will learn how to change and transform just about anything in your life, right now, during this closing part of the workshop. We do real life interventions with volunteers and demonstrate how magically the processes work
5 Life Changing Days
Material: Manual Included